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You Do You free printable download

Sometimes I just need to draw stuff. An idea gets stuck in my head so I go with it. It’s good practice and helps me learn more of my craft and my tools.
Created using my iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and Procreate App.


I have a print of this hanging in my studio where I can see it every day. It reminds me to do what pleases me. Not worry about what other artists are doing, selling, talking about. I just need to stick with what I love to do and everything else falls into place.

It has been sitting in my Dropbox folder for a while now. What’s the point of having and not sharing? So I’m sharing it with you.

This is a large file. It’s 300 DPI and prints onto an 8.5 x 11 with a thin line so you can trim it to 8 x 10.
Of course you can change the size using your printer dialog.

You Do You Printable Download




Personal use please. A little shout out is appreciated, but not required.

Please share! Sharing my designs in your groups and with friends is so appreciated.

It's Rebecka Hathaway

It's Rebecka Hathaway

Artist - Dog Mom - Maker of Things

Kidnapped at a very early age and forced to live among humans, I’m on a continued quest to return to the magical world from whence I came.
Just kidding. (Maybe)
I’m sitting here in my little house drawing and doing geeky computer stuff to share with you so you can make pretty things too
Everybody’s an artist. Let’s be artists together.


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